Congratulations to Ashlee Narker for her performance over the last holidays. Ash barely lost a match, winning two tournaments in a row (Blacktown and Northern Suburbs), as well as improving her …
Success in the Winter Holidays
There were a LOT of events held over the Winter break. So many that my “holiday” was managing a Sydney team in the state under 16s championships. But the good …
Hot Shots US Open Challenge Results
Well, the US Open Challenge has finished and by all accounts it was a ‘smashing’ success! (Get it, smashing? Oh no, the dad jokes are starting already!) Photos from the …
Hot Shots Series T3 Results
First I want to say thank you for all the support we get with this series from all the parents and grandparents. It really helps to make the events to …
Ipswich Nationals
I will be travelling to Ipswich for the 12’s Clay Court Nationals in April. Two of our star players (Nikita Volonski and Jacinta Milenkoski) should be a threat to anyone …