I’m going to start a tennis parent tips series to help all parents make sure they are doing the best for their kids. No doubt everyone TRIES to do the best for their kids, we see that every day. But sometimes that doesn’t always translate into the best outcomes for kids.
Across this series I’d like to cover as many topics as possible, in as confronting a manner as possible. (I don’t beat around the bush). As always this will be my opinions only, based on many years of dealing with students, parents…and my own kids. I’m sure there are more qualified people out there but if you would like an extra perspective then stay tuned.
In the mean time I’d love to hear back from parents about some of their biggest questions regarding being tennis parents. I’d like to avoid questions about specifics like “should I play a tournament in Coffs Harbour or should I play in Ulladulla?”, but I’m happy to go over strategies for deciding events to play, how to speak to kids, what matters and when, and much much more.
So if you have any questions at all drop me a line.